Tag Archive: voldemort

First off, THANK YOU SO MUCH to Khajitt for editing this for me!!!! So now all the speling and grammar and aparently style too is beter so credit for edits to Khajitt! Thanks again!!!!

Hi again!

I haven’t been on really for the last week, and that’s because I’ve been really sick. I had this awful flu and I felt super lousy, basically all I could do was to lie on the couch drinking ginger ale and watch movies while trying not to move and not to puke.

Anyway though, while I was sick, I had a lot of time on my hands, so first thing I did was watching all of my twilight movies once again. Then I decided that I’d watch the Harry Potter movies (I have them all at my house because my little sister is a big fan) too and I would compare them a little bit. Of course I am probably a bit biased in favor of Twilight because I am such a huge fan of it, but I am trying to be kind and fair in my comparison.

The Twilight movies were definitely better than the Harry Potter ones, and I honestly did like Harry Potter, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t, it’s just that Twilight is just so much better, and here’s why:

1. The Twilight movies stick to the books better. Twilight movies are practically the books, just in film. They stick really closely to the books and don’t make weird changes. Also all of the characters match their descriptions, like Edward, Jacob and Bella – all match their physical descriptions in the books. In HP… not so much. For example, Percy Weasley in HP is supposed to wear glasses, and he didn’t wear them in the movie; Harry’s scar is supposed to be in the middle of his forehead and not way of the side. Thus Harry Potter movies are much less faithful to the books.

2. The Twilight movies have better music. The soundtracks got me into all these awesome Indian and rock bands music, and all the HP soundtracks are just classical melodies. No words or lyrics! I admit that sometimes the music just sets the mood and you don’t need lyrics. That works for a movie, so there is no need to waste resources to make a CD of it. I mean, who listens to boring classical stuff like that? The Twilight soundtracks are real music. The Harry Potter soundtracks are just made by people trying to make a quick buck.

3. The Twilight movies don’t drastically change the characters’ appearances. For example, Dumbledore looked completely different after the first two movies – there were major costume, wig and makeup changes. It was almost like a whole different person. I mean, seriously, that’s just awful that they did that! I do admit that the actor who played Dumbledore after the second movie was better, but couldn’t they make him look the same? And Malfoy had his hair slicked back in the first 2 movies, and then they just let it out, and then in the 6th movies, they put gel in it again! Make up your mind! And Hermione! She has frizzy hair in the first two, and then cute waves in the rest. I mean seriously, be realistic! Don’t change character appearances like that!

4. The Twilight movies are really meaningful. There’s awesome dialogue sequences and they talk about important stuff. The Harry Potter movies are mainly just a ton of action and yes, these is some important dialogue, but not as much as Twilight. And most of the important stuff gets cut out of the movies. Remember the 6th movie? It was almost nothing like the book, and they cut out most of the memories Dumbledore shows Harry!

5. Ok, this isn’t a reason why Twilight is better, but I would just like to state that the Harry Potter  movies have really good special effects. For example, they made Hagrid look huge, all the characters look freaky and wizardly, and they made a castle and dragons, so go HP special effects guys! And Twilight had awesome special effects too,  like the vampires sparkling and the super speed and strength and things like that, not to mention all the blood, so go Twilight special effects guys too!

6. Twilight just has a better plot. That is all.

7. And the Twilight characters are better looking too.

Anyway, thanks for reading.



Ok, so like i got a lot of coments from people who think i hate Harry potter.
This isNOT TRUE. I dont hate HP i just think Twilight is much better.
so here is list of reasons why HP is good and why I like it!

1. In the movies, the cheracters are super cute! Like Cedric Diggery is hot, and so are Harry and Ron and Draco and even that guy who play Dracos dad is really hot even tho hes old. Theyre just so hot that its easy to overlook their funny accents!!

And also some of the girls are kind of hot too. or they get hot when they get older. like Emma Watson is ok she was hot before she cut her hair off…then she started looking like Bald Brittany Spears. and Luna lovegood is crazy and dressed freakish but shes hot. and so was Fleur Delacor, she was SO FOXY AND SEXY!!!

2. they’re exiting. like impeortant shit always happend to them and its always lot of action and intrestign stuff hapening! like when Ron dated Lavendar, and they had all those SUPER HAWT KISSING SCENES! that was so awesome and exiting and climactic and thrilling and a highlight of the books! The books all have exiting stuff like that!!

3. theyre funny too. All the books have funny moments!! like when Dumbeldore is drinking the weird potion in the cave in half blod prince and freaking out..I LOLed!! Or when Harrys broomstick was bucking in Sorcerer stone, and then when he got the grim and thought he was gonna die in Prisener of Azkaban! i mean like every single scene in this books were total comedy! I mean I love funny books but my favorites are the reelly deep ones like Twilight.

4. in the movies the characters are british! they have weirdo acents but they’re so cute too, I mean they’re almost like martians, theyre so weird! its like little adorable martians so they’re cute to watch!!

5. The villains suck but their so hot! like Lucius malfoy is hot and so is the snatcher dude in Deathly Hallows and Voldamort was hot too before he got bald and ugly.


6. The speshial efects in the movies are good! like how they made the Hagrid guy so tall and hairy, and how they made Dumbeldore so hairy too! Dontcha just love movie magic??? Lol, a pun, get it, Hp is about magic, the MOVIE MAGIC? Lol!


so yah, i dont hate HP!








ok, well mabey he’s not a facist….I’m not exactly sure waht a facist is, I just know they’re bad and dictator-y.

I tried looking up facist on line but I still didnt understand since the definition was super confusing but I think hitler was one…. And they’re bad people. And there was some guy names Muscles-ini or something who was also a facist and he had some empire…..whatever an empire is…..I wonder if that’s mabey like umpire in baseball? So mabey a facist is like an umpire? A bad umpire dictator???

Anyways Harry potter is a dictator kind of!!!

Like he bosses people around and yells att them. Like he yells at Ron and hermione when theyre just tryin to help him! and he doesnt lissen to them either he always thinks hes right! like in Order of the Phonix Hermione wanted to tell someone that Umbredge (another weird name) was making him cut words into his hand but out of some stupid pride thing harry didnt let her! thats stupid!!! Umbrege couldave been stopped if harry wasnt so selfish and didnt always think he was right!

also in DH, everyone’s DIEING FOR HARRY! like theres a whole war over him! HArry should have gone to voldemort a lot sooner! hes so selfish for making everyone fight such a powerfull enemy and die for him!!!!!

And Harrys always telling people waht to do too like in Order if the Phonix hes bossin around everyone in the Dumbledore Army group. and like hes not even the bestest dark arts fighter or anything. Like Hermione is WAY smarter…not her fault she just hasent been in as many dangerous situations. Like  that makes Haryr mroe qualified! I mean, so Harry like killed a basalisk with a SWORD…yah, that really makes him better at defencive magic!


And then Dumbledore is an evil bad facist too, since he never told harry nothing important at all! like he kep impeortent info for himself and then if Harry had more info and if Dumbledore hadnt been so damn proud and kept so manny secrets less people wouldave ddied!

And hes just sooo full o fhimself too. like hes all, “oh I COULD have been Minaster of Magic but im so cool and im all wise a shit, so i turned it down”. Dumbeldore was so selfish to NOT become Minaster of Magic coz he was CLEARLY the best guy for the job and if he’d been Minaster AND been less selfish with his “wisdumb” (wisdom) and information then less people wouldave died and there wouldn’t have been the idiot Cornelias Fudge as Minaster and hed have helped the wizerding world!!!

Hes bad and selfish so hes clearly a facist!  and Harrys a facist too!!! and Voldemort!!!!!


(And I admit i do take back waht  I said earlyer about Dumbeldore……its ok if hes gay. but he still dresses bad i mean dresses arent cool on guys)






hi everyone.


First I’d like to say thanks to everyone who has left a comment here.  I appreciate them, and I do try to read most of them.


But to buisness…..I  have seen some comments from people talking about how i deleted thier comments.


This is NOT true. I have not deletted any comments at all. The thing is, when u post a coment on here, it is “pending”. Its not automaticly published….I get this feed with all “pending” comments and i have to approve them before they show up on the site.

I have aLOT of pending comments, so if u dont see your comment, it has NOT been delleted, i just probably havent had the chance to approve it yet. And I approve every comment i get since i appreciate your guyses comments and i think everyone shoudl be alowed to have their opinions and comments be heard.

at the moment i actually have several thousend pending comments and i plan to aprove them all, but itll take a while so just please know no ones coments have been deleted.







So yeah, I read HArry Potter, and the books were okay and all, but I just REALLY draw issues with some of the villans. Ok, one in perticular. BELLATRIX LESTRANGE.

I mean, she kills my faverite Characters!!! She killed Dobby, basically the most likable person in the whole series!! And Sirius Black, who aside from being pretty cool even though he was a creep convict, was also kinda hot, and he meant the world to Harry i mean he was the closest he had to a Family!!!!! I mean seriusly!!
AND Bellatrix killed Tonks, another epiclly awesome person who i actually really liked! I mean, Dobby, Tonks, and Sirius?! !WTF THATS JUST EVIL!!!!!!!
And then she also kills Lupin, Tonks husband, and that’s just plain mean, even though he wasnt as epiclly awesome as Dobby Tonks and Sirius.

Also, in the DH movie, she tortures Scabior the HOTTTTTTT Snatcher guy! I mean he was like REALLY hot, AND he totally helped her out because he Snatched Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and brought them 2 her, but she STILL tortures him!!!! THATS NOT COOL OK?!?!?!?!?!?!?! And Scabior was FREAKING HOT! Torture of hotties is NOT GOOD AT ALL!!

Also, shes fucking messed up the in head i mean i heard shes in love with Voldemort, how fucked up is THAT?! I mean hes ugly, scary, evil, and BALD!!!!! Bald=Scary, and if ur makin out with a bald guy, theres no hair for you to run ur fingers through, which means its not fun!
Oh, and yeah, HE DOESNT HAVE A FREAKING NOSE!!!! Thats messed up and ugly as hell. Thats seriously messed up!
And yeah, along with that, shes INSANE!!!!! Insane people are BAD! And she tortures people for fun and she was in PRISON!!!!! Thats BAD! And she escaped from jail, thats bad too!!!!!! She teaches you its ok to escape from jail!!!!! Thats BAD!


and shes soooo unrealistic!!! like its soo not realistic to escape from such a big securaty jail like Azkaban!! and no real people torter and kill ppl like thatt!! And besides shes just too evil and she just likes voldy and doest care about anyone else and what kind of bitch gets marryed and dont even like her hustband Rodolphas and in love with some other guy?!!!

And her clothes are creepy too I mean theyre all ripped and stuff! Seriously, ur a WITCH WHO CAN DO MAGIC RIGHT?! then why dont u FIX YOUR DAMN CLOTHES!!!!!!!!
And i wont even START on how sick it is to wear black all the time either!!!!!! THAts just morbid and like not sanatary!!

Also, at least in Order of the Phenix, she’s UGLY AS HELL, I mean, See picture below:

Anyways, seriously, she is a class 1 CREEP! Shes awful! SOOOOO glad that Molly killed her. I now LOVE Molly Weasley, 😀

Basically the only GOOD thing about Bellatrix is that shes played by Helena Bonham Carter, who i kinda like, and Bellatrix looks pretty in DH and HBP but SHES A HORRIBLE NASTY WITH AND IM GLAD SHES DEAD! Pity it wasnt sooner, 😦 seriously i kind of loss respect for Helena bonham careter after this imean bellatrix is soooo horrible!!!!! but Helena is good actress in other movies 🙂





Just a bit about HP and Twilight names. The names is Harry Potter are RIDICULOS! The names in Twilight are REALISTIC.

1. What kind of name is “Hermione”. I mean WTF?! Sounds lame ass, and it rhyms with “whiny”. Who wants a name that sounds like whiny? Ugh

2. Ronald is a creepy ass name. I mean , seriously who  names a book cheracter after Ronal McDonald?! WTF! I mean seriously the name just brings to mind a creepy , burger-gulping ugly clown. EWWW! not to mention that i am against fast food, but still, the thought of Ronald McDonald makes me want to barf, I dont need reminding of THAT every time I hear the name “Ron Weasley” or read Harry Potter/watch the movies.

3. Harry of corse sounds like “hairy”, and thats NOT a plesant thought, esp. for a guy. I mean EEEEEWWW! And “Harry potter”, sounds like “Hairy potty”, DOUBLE FUCKING EEEEWWWWW!

4. Luna. Sounds like “loony” adds to Loony lunas crazy factor. shes so freaking out of it thats its damn unrealistsic as well. And Lovegood. Love is good? WTF stoopid not a realistic last name!!!!!!!!!

5. All the unpornouncable creepy names. I mean seriously, “Slughorn”? “Quirinus”? “Severus”? WTF? Creepy fucking weird. why have stupid lame ass names that  no once can prenounce right?!?! WTF?! And besides, with names like those, thats the sort of thing youd get  beat up for. No wonders Snapes a loser and everyone hates him and hes ugly!!!!!

6. Hagrid. sounds like “hag”. nuff said. Course he IS ugly enough 2 be one……

7. Sirius. I mean, who names their kid after an expression? especially since sirius was anything BUT serious. Thats like me naming my kid “austere” or “deliberative”. Yuk. He probably got beat up too. AND “serious” is even spelled wrong!!

8. And Hogwarts is weird! I mean hogs are RELLY UGLY! And warts are freaking gross! And a hog with warts is EVEN uglyer! That’s fucking SICK!

9. Dumbledore. who wants a name with “dumb” in it? Gross. and it just sound stupid. It’s freaking weard and DUM! Lol get it? Dum/Dumb.

10. Draco. I mean eww! I mene hes hot but it’s a freaking weird name!!!!!!! It’s not normal and it sounds like dragon or something its so stupid!!!!

11. Marvolo. IT sounds like an STD. Barf!!!!!!!!

12. Weasley. it sounds like weasel and it’ sjust REALLY Weird and creepy!!!!


More wird names:

Yaxley-sound like AX ew

McNair-isnt nair the hair removal stuff??

Bellatrix-frigin weird

All the alliteration names like ones where the first and last ones start with th same letter i  mean that just unrealistic and STUPID AND WEIRD!

Peace out! Twilight has GOOD names!
