Just a bit about HP and Twilight names. The names is Harry Potter are RIDICULOS! The names in Twilight are REALISTIC.

1. What kind of name is “Hermione”. I mean WTF?! Sounds lame ass, and it rhyms with “whiny”. Who wants a name that sounds like whiny? Ugh

2. Ronald is a creepy ass name. I mean , seriously who  names a book cheracter after Ronal McDonald?! WTF! I mean seriously the name just brings to mind a creepy , burger-gulping ugly clown. EWWW! not to mention that i am against fast food, but still, the thought of Ronald McDonald makes me want to barf, I dont need reminding of THAT every time I hear the name “Ron Weasley” or read Harry Potter/watch the movies.

3. Harry of corse sounds like “hairy”, and thats NOT a plesant thought, esp. for a guy. I mean EEEEEWWW! And “Harry potter”, sounds like “Hairy potty”, DOUBLE FUCKING EEEEWWWWW!

4. Luna. Sounds like “loony” adds to Loony lunas crazy factor. shes so freaking out of it thats its damn unrealistsic as well. And Lovegood. Love is good? WTF stoopid not a realistic last name!!!!!!!!!

5. All the unpornouncable creepy names. I mean seriously, “Slughorn”? “Quirinus”? “Severus”? WTF? Creepy fucking weird. why have stupid lame ass names that  no once can prenounce right?!?! WTF?! And besides, with names like those, thats the sort of thing youd get  beat up for. No wonders Snapes a loser and everyone hates him and hes ugly!!!!!

6. Hagrid. sounds like “hag”. nuff said. Course he IS ugly enough 2 be one……

7. Sirius. I mean, who names their kid after an expression? especially since sirius was anything BUT serious. Thats like me naming my kid “austere” or “deliberative”. Yuk. He probably got beat up too. AND “serious” is even spelled wrong!!

8. And Hogwarts is weird! I mean hogs are RELLY UGLY! And warts are freaking gross! And a hog with warts is EVEN uglyer! That’s fucking SICK!

9. Dumbledore. who wants a name with “dumb” in it? Gross. and it just sound stupid. It’s freaking weard and DUM! Lol get it? Dum/Dumb.

10. Draco. I mean eww! I mene hes hot but it’s a freaking weird name!!!!!!! It’s not normal and it sounds like dragon or something its so stupid!!!!

11. Marvolo. IT sounds like an STD. Barf!!!!!!!!

12. Weasley. it sounds like weasel and it’ sjust REALLY Weird and creepy!!!!


More wird names:

Yaxley-sound like AX ew

McNair-isnt nair the hair removal stuff??

Bellatrix-frigin weird

All the alliteration names like ones where the first and last ones start with th same letter i  mean that just unrealistic and STUPID AND WEIRD!

Peace out! Twilight has GOOD names!
